Team-Cohesion Workshops

Workshops aimed at teams are designed to share practical tools and integrate individual differences to optimize performance and engage in healthy and productive communication.

  • Be aware of your personality and strengths, and learn to take care of your motivation and understand that of your team members.

  • Leverage everyone's strengths for greater efficiency.

  • Recognize the language and behaviors of others.

  • Adapt your communication style for authentic connection and develop a culture of feedback within your team.


Executive Coaching

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” (Albert Einstein)

Coaching allows us to work on vision, leadership and to align objectives for a better work dynamic and a higher motivation.

“Leadership requires two things: a vision of the world that does not yet exist and the ability to communicate it.” (Simon Sinek)


Leadership and transformative workshops

Our Leadership workshops inspire and guide participants towards a shared vision, fostering collaboration and innovation. These workshops help individuals become self-aware, adaptable, and capable of leveraging the strengths of their team members. Through clear communication and empathetic engagement, they will be able to create an environment where everyone can thrive and contribute to collective success.


PCM leadership training and debriefs

Process Communication Model helps leaders understand their own personality structure and leadership styles. By identifying strengths and areas for growth, leaders can adapt their approach to effectively connect with and motivate diverse team members. This profile and the pragmatic tools that we provide enhance leadership effectiveness by fostering improved interactions and management and a deeper understanding of team dynamics.