Process Communication Model® (PCM) is the world’s premier tool based on human behavior. It enables the user to defuse tension and resolve conflict with all personality types and teach them how to re-engage with others in a healthy and productive dialogue.

With some people, our communication just naturally clicks. And with others, it seems to follow a repeating pattern of tension leading to blame, attacks, or pulling away. These breakdowns are frustrating and can damage relationships and workplace effectiveness, but we just don’t understand why some people seem to see things so differently and behave in ways we find difficult to deal with.

PCM differentiates among six personality types, which we all have within us: Thinker, Persister, Rebel, Promoter, Harmonizer, and Imaginer. Each type has its own strengths and preferences. A different combination of the six types takes center stage in every one of us. Research shows that effective communication occurs only when we communicate in a way that works best for the other person. When we communicate only in our preferred perception, the common result is miscommunication and distressed relationships.

Only PCM teaches a complete set of Adaptive Communication Skills that enable us to build Positive Personal Connections with almost anyone, even hard-to-deal-with people who see the world very differently from us, resulting in more effective leadership and increasing organizational influence.

Process Communication Model® Value Chain

You have meetings, take calls, and you stay up-to-speed with e-mails and apps. But how can you truly connect in a world that’s always on? And how can you create an environment in which your team will thrive and build on each other’s strengths? The Process Communication Model® (PCM) is the premier tool for decoding human interactions. As leaders and colleagues, you can learn to speak each other’s language and contribute to a workplace that leverages differences for the better.

History of Process Communication Model®

PCM was developed by world-renowned clinical psychologist Dr. Taibi Kahler, who discovered that stress behavior can be predicted and turned around. Working with NASA, he developed a validated inventory, which became the Process Communication Model. Dr. Taibi Kahler developed the model across multiple applications, including management, team-building, recruitment, coaching, negotiation and sales, as well as applications for families, couples and educational settings.

Reliability and Validity of Process Communication Model®

More than 1,5 million people have been trained or coached by a worldwide network of 4,000 Process Communication Model® certified trainers and coaches, PCM is practiced in 54 countries by leading organizations, such as NASA, L’Oréal, Pixar, BMW… Here’s what PCM can do for your organization:

Inclusive, individual leadership

If you know each of your team members’ unique set of needs, you’ll know how to connect to and motivate everyone in their own way.

Less stress, more energy

Practicing PCM will help your employees turn potentially negative conversations, situations, or actions into positive, productive work.

Increased operational effectiveness

Reducing miscommunication leads to more efficient teams. Less confusion, more clarity. Less talk, more action.

  • PCM provides a reliable and validated method of identifying and understanding personality structures, the impact of life events, and communication dynamics.

  • It is based on a award-winning, scientific clinical discovery
. PCM is the only such model that has originated from behavioral observation.